Phillip Jerrod Heath (born December 18, 1979) is an American IFBB professional bodybuilder. He is a seven-time Mr. Olympia winner, having won the competition every year from 2011 to 2017. His latest victory tied him with
Arnold Schwarzenegger for the joint-third number of all-time
Mr. Olympia wins, behind Lee Haney and Ronnie Coleman, who are joint-first with eight wins each.
While training for his basketball games, Heath became familiar with the weights room, and was inspired by the camaraderie and hard work that his friends showed in the gym. Deciding to join them, but still far from achieving a Pro bodybuilding career, Heath initially began weightlifting in order to improve his jumping power and presence on the basketball court.
As he progressed, Heath became tired of basketball, believing it didn’t hold the niche potential for greatness that he desired. He then decided to return to the weight room, which had become his refuge. Balancing three jobs, which were, web-development, bouncing at night clubs, and basketball academy training, Phil immersed himself in the culture of bodybuilding in his limited “free time”. This later made him play with the idea of creating a spectacular physique as his lifetime goal.
Heath began taking bodybuilding more seriously in 2002, where he took a job at his local gym, whilst learning as much as possible about nutrition, supplementation, and effective training strategies.
He credits this time as being the most formative years of his career as he read through crates of
bodybuilding magazines, which all helped Phil to create his awesome physique. As well as working out on his own, he still worked out with his friends from time to time, and after training hard and heavy over the course of three years, Heath grew from 185lbs to 215lbs with 6% bodyfat.
Heath entered bodybuilding in 2002. In 2005, he won the overall title at the NPC (National Physique Committee) USA Championships, earning the right to compete as an
IFBB Pro. He won his first two IFBB professional events the following year: The Colorado Pro Championships and The New York Pro Championship. In 2007, Heath placed fifth at the Arnold Classic. Although he still qualified to compete in the 2007 Mr. Olympia contest, Heath, nevertheless, decided not to enter the contest, stating that he needed additional time to improve his form.
Heath won the 2008 Iron Man show and placed second to Dexter Jackson at the 2008 Arnold Classic. In his 2008 Mr. Olympia debut, Heath finished third to become the first novice to place in the top three since Flex Wheeler in 1993. He claimed the fifth position at the 2009
Mr. Olympia title and second place at the 2010 event. He gained the crown in 2011. Heath defended the title of Mr Olympia consecutively six times since then until 2018 when he placed second to Shawn Rhoden.
He attended Rainier Beach High School in Seattle, where he was team captain and shooting guard on the varsity basketball team. He attended the University of Denver on
a scholarship, majoring in business administration while playing shooting guard for the university's Division I
basketball team.

2003 Northern Colorado State, Novice, Light-Heavyweight 1st and overall
2003 NPC Colorado State, Light-Heavyweight, 1st
2004 NPC Colorado State, Heavyweight, 1st and Overall
2005 NPC Junior Nationals, HeavyWeight, 1st and Overall
2005 NPC USA Championships, HeavyWeight, 1st and Overall
2006 Colorado Pro Championships, 1st
2006 New York Pro Championship, 1st
2007 Arnold Classic, 5th
2008 IFBB Iron Man, 1st
2008 Arnold Classic, 2nd
2008 Mr. Olympia, 3rd
2009 Mr. Olympia, 5th
2010 Arnold Classic, 2nd
2010 Mr. Olympia, 2nd
2011 Mr. Olympia, 1st
2011 Sheru Classic, 1st
2012 Mr. Olympia, 1st
2012 Sheru Classic, 1st
2013 Mr. Olympia, 1st
2013 Arnold Classic Europe, 1st
2014 Mr. Olympia, 1st
2015 Mr. Olympia, 1st
2016 Mr. Olympia, 1st
2017 Mr. Olympia, 1st
2018 Mr. Olympia, 2nd
2020 Mr. Olympia, 3rd
Phil advises people who are looking to improve their training methods, that it’s best to stick with the basics and what’s always worked
best for them.
“You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. You don’t have to come up with any exotic movements if what you’re currently doing is working. If you’ve noticed that dumbbells work better than barbells for you on the bench press, then why change that? Maybe you should change the order in which you do the exercises for variety, so I’ve done that.”
Phil says; “it’s just learning how not to over-train, learning how to listen to your body, and realize that, yeah, if I go in the gym and something doesn’t feel right, then I may drop that whole exercise and go on to something else. As far as switching my whole theory on training, no.”

Monday (Hamstrings, Calves and Quads)
4 Sets of Lying Leg Curls of 8-10 reps
4 Sets of Stiff-Leg Deadlifts of 8-10 reps
7 Sets of Seated Leg Curls of 10-12 reps
4 Sets of Standing Calf Raises of 15-20 reps
4 Sets of Leg Press Calf Raises of 20 reps
7 Sets of Seated Calf Raises of 15 reps
4 Sets of Extensions of 10-12 reps
4 Sets of Front Squats of 10-12 reps
3 Sets of Leg Presses of 12 reps
7 Sets of Hack Squats of 7 reps
Tuesday (Chest and Triceps)
4 Sets of Dumbbell Incline Presses of 10-12 reps
4 Sets of Dumbbell Incline Flyes of 10-12 reps
3 Sets of Hammer Strength Bench Presses of 10-12 reps
7 Sets of Pec Decks of 10-12 reps
3 Sets of Pushdowns of Rope Attachment of 10-12 reps
3 Sets of Dips of 10-12 reps
3 Sets of Close-Grip Bench Presses of 10-12 reps
7 Sets of Lying Triceps Extensions of 10-12 reps
Wednesday (Rest day)
Thursday (Back and Biceps)
3 Sets of Wide-Grip Pull-Ups of 10-12 reps
3 Sets of Power-Grip Chin-Ups of 10-12 reps
4 Sets of T-bar Rows of 12 reps
4 Sets of Bent-Over Rows of 12 reps
3 Sets of One-Arm Dumbbell Rows of 12 reps
7 Sets of Straight-Arm Pull Downs of Rope Attachment of 10-12 reps
3 Sets of Standing EZ-Bar Curls of 12 reps
3 Sets of Hammer Curls of 12 reps
3 Sets of Concentration Curls of 12 reps
7 Sets of Hammer Strength Preacher Curls of 8-10 reps
Friday (Shoulders and Traps)
4 Sets of Smith Machine Military Presses of 10-12 reps
4 Sets of Dumbbell Front Raises of 10-12 reps
4 Sets of Upright Rows of 10-12 reps
7 Sets of Dumbbell Lateral Raises of 10-12 reps
4 Sets of Dumbbell Shrugs of 12 reps
4 Sets of Barbell Shrugs of 12 reps
Phil’s Off-season Diet
Meal 1
12 oz. chicken
1 cup of egg whites
1 cup of cream of rice
Meal 2
12 oz. 94% ground beef
2 cups of white rice
Meal 3
12 oz. beef tenderloin
8 oz. whole wheat pasta
Training Time
Pre-Workout supplement
Post-Workout protein shake
Meal 4
6-8 oz. beef tenderloin
10 oz. white potato
Meal 5
12 oz. chicken
1 cup of spinach
Meal 6
12 oz. of 94% ground beef
1 cup of broccoli
Meal 7
2 tbsp. of almond butter
Whey protein isolate
Phil’s Pre-Contest Diet
Meal 1
2.5 cups egg whites
1 cup of oatmeal
Meal 2
12 oz. white chicken breast
1 cup of brown rice
Steamed vegetables
Meal 3
12 oz. beef tenderloin
Medium sweet potato
Training Time
Pre-Workout supplement
Post-Workout protein shake
Meal 4
12 oz. beef tenderloin
Medium sweet potato
Meal 5
12 oz. white chicken breast
1 cup brown rice
Meal 6 & 7
12 oz. halibut or tilapia
Steamed broccoli
don't need weights to get fit, but they are necessary if you want to
bulk up for any tough guy part in television or movies. Many extras have
started from being the strong man in a crowd, especially pirate movies,
then progressed to acting. Getting into the right frame of mind, is more
than just pumping iron, it is a regime based on good diet, eating
patterns and regenerative sleep.
- Z
Von Moger